Song Melody – Essential Attributes
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In music, there is truly no simple approach to precisely identify what makes up good music. How is it probable to pinpoint principles and concepts that speak to the superiority of music melodies, when every single melody that you compose must be only one of its kind and never heard before? It’s principally by examining the thousands of remarkable songs from several past decades of songwriting and distinguishing those melodies that appear to make a solid connection to its listeners.
Key Attributes of Song Melodies
A good song melody will exhibit a strong and obvious essence of form and design. Describing this quality can be difficult, however, you will detect that throughout the span of a song, a good song melody will exhibit an overall form that can be depicted as a line. As you eye at the line, it displays an outline that is large in scale, not a random chain of scribbles.
A good song melody moves primarily by step, with sporadic melodious leaps. Stepwise melodies shift from one note to the one nearby it, either above or below. They are much easier to sing, however excessive use of stepwise movement can produce too much banality, and can likewise adversely impact the energy of a song. This is where the occasional melodic leap comes into view. Leaps, specifically upward ones, produce melodic energy and raises the interest of the audience.
A good song melody connects well with lyrics as well as chord progressions. This is imperative since no melody, irrespective of how satisfactory it is, will make the needed linkage to the audience if it doesn’t consider the lyric and the chord of the moment. For instance, a lyric that is emotive will frequently make a deeper impact if they are set higher in the melody.