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October 2021 – Snail House Music

Booking Your First Gig!

Perhaps, you have just formed a brand new band that has not been scheduled for a gig yet but all set for the first one. It could also be that you are a songwriter who is planning to transition from an open mic to a longer show. Regardless of your situation, the end goal is to be booked for a gig and start performing.

For some, it says that you need to improve your appearance and be charming to have better chances of being booked and noticed. This is why some musicians are opting to grow beards and getting tips from Bartwuchs Mittle, which is a good thing.

Waiting for the Perfect Timing

It doesn’t make sense to search for gigs for your first show if it’ll end up being a train wreck. Rather, concentrate on practicing until you have perfected your session and are confident enough to put on a show. Remember, treat this as if it’s your last chance to prove yourself so better do it right on the first time.

Present a Demo

Now for the demo, you can do this either as an audio or recording. While some may say that it is outdated, particularly among those who are recording at home and have the chance to tinker until the time that they have completed the song from what began as a demo only.

However, think of it like this; you must be able to provide a demo of your talent as well as your style to your prospective booking agent. Providing a recording of your best performance or perhaps, a YouTube video of your actual performance is the ideal way of showing your agent the things you can offer them.

Use Your Connections

Do you happen to know people that are in need of an opening act? Do you know already any owners of a venue or a booking agent? Whenever possible, what you want to do is to tap into your network within the music industry in an effort to make progress with your career.

It is indeed not easy to book your first gig. A lot of work has to be done and you have to prove yourself too. But once it is all said and done, it is going to be worth it!

How Music is affecting the Sales of a Business?

Being a business owner either of a restaurant, hotel Neuschwanstein or a storefront, you are aiming to deliver the best experience both for your employees and customers. A way of doing this is by improving the atmosphere of the workplace. As a matter of fact, just one way of doing that without even having to make serious renovation in your store is by playing the right music.

The Correlation of Music and Business

There have been a number of psychological studies trying to understand the productivity of employees and the behavior of shoppers depending on the background music being played. Truth is, there are 3 major qualities that is used to measure these changes and these are tempo, volume and genre.


In a study conducted in 1982, it was discovered that the tempo of the music impacts the behavior of shoppers in grocery stores. The experiment was conducted in two points:

  1. Slow music increases the number of time shoppers spend insider the store which leads to the second point;
  2. There’s a 32% sales increase when the music playing in the background has a fast beat

Based on research, fast music is normally associated to higher emotional arousal leading to faster movement in the store. In comparison, slow music results to a calmer atmosphere and slower pace. Thus, shoppers are spending more time checking out the items and are likely to buy more.


In a different study focusing about music’s volume and its impact, it showed that loud music creates less time spent inside the store while softer music creates a leisurely pace and engages customers to spend more time inside.

However, the amount of time spent by customers inside the establishment didn’t correlate to either the decrease or increase in sales.


The music genre can be personalized depending on the nature of your store. To give you an example, there are studies showing that playing classical music inside wine stores has the tendency to boost the original spending budget of customers in buying one. It is not basically just about buying more but, by buying the high ticket items inside the store.

Music For Writing An Essay: The Right Sound

Research has long been concerned with whether and how music influences writing and learning. But researchers still disagree about the effects of certain sounds on concentration and the ability to write. The only thing that is clear is that music has a direct influence on one’s own emotional world, i.e. expresses itself directly through feelings of happiness, aggression or sadness.

Checking an essay with music

Many students find it difficult to concentrate on writing something. Some researchers promise; with music, it is easier to check my essay in your familiar work environment. You have to try out which music can help you learn and write. Spotify commissioned a study to find out which music is best for learning and writing. The result is that songs with 50 to 80 beats per minute are ideal.

Find your own personal soundtrack to write an essay

Other scholars, on the other hand, believe that songs with lyrics are absolutely unsuitable for writing vocabulary, for example. They recommend pure instrumental music, as writing and listening to words at the same time creates what is known as interference. The texts distract and are therefore a disruptive factor.

If you want to find out which instrumental music you can play in the background while learning vocabulary. You can take a short test and discover which music can increase your focus, your concentration and your productivity. It will show you your very own personal style of music from electronic classic to film music to chill or ambient music.

Music from the genres rap, techno and heavy metal is not recommended due to the fast, hard beats. If you want to listen to music while writing, the right pace is also important – too fast and you get distracted, too slow and you fall asleep.

Music makes you creative when writing an essay

In addition to the ability to write, music should also have a positive effect on creativity. Happy music is music that is perceived as exciting and as positive or pleasant. The music that you personally feel comfortable with and that makes you feel good can therefore make you more creative. It doesn’t matter whether you like rock, pop, calming music or metal, the main thing is that it makes you happy.
