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radios – Snail House Music

Everything You Need to Know About Radios

Do you wonder if radios are still useful these days?

If you are a 90s kid, you definitely know how radios are so fun to play with. Often times you use is to call out your dad from home, or your mom. You also use it when playing in the tree top calling out to a friend in the neighborhood. Back then, radios are the most convenient way to reach out and communicate.

With today’s digital era, people sometimes wonder if people do even still own one— is it even useful?

The answer is yes! Radios might be old school, traditional and classic. But it is one of the greatest inventions of all time, and in 2019 it is still as good and even better than it was before.

Where Did Radio Come?

Most people wonder about where did the concept of radio even came from. Or how did it even evolved through the years?

First, radio is a technological device which carries information in the form of so-called radio waves or sound waves. Scientifically speaking, it modulates the properties of electromagnetic energy through amplitude, frequency and phase width. Radios are such genius communication devices that’s why through the years, it still outsmart the latest and high technological devices.

Overmore, the term radio also derived from the Latin word ‘radius which means ‘spoke of the wheel or a beam of light’. Earnest Mercadier, a French scientist, used it in communications in the year 1881. It happens also for Alexander Graham Bell adopted the term ‘radio phone’ which means ‘radiated sound’ as another term form of transmission system ‘photo-phone optical’. But not all of those inventions were widely accepted.

More on Radios…

Radio devices in communication usage have a certain set of elements. These elements are things you will never come to know about. Well, that is the mystery of radios, its amazing work of communication that even cellular phones and internet can not outweigh— they can never compare to.

As the digital era continues to produce more high-end technologies and ways of communication, so are radios. With decades of development each phase a has a broad range of methods, implementations, experiments and various levels of communication purpose.

This then births various kinds of radios, namely:


  • DAB Radios or digital radios,


  • Internet radios,
  • Battery-powered radios,
  • Pocket radios,
  • Portable radios,
  • Weather radios,
  • AM/FM radios.



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