Niceties of Having a Music Nook

Make Yourself a Music Nook

A music nook does not have to be a corner. It can be any special spot in your home where you can truly immerse yourself with your kind music.

First, let me make clear that I am not a music student or a music teacher. I am just a young adult who balances time between college studies and a part time job, while living in the same roof as my family. Having mentioned that, it is easier to describe how it could be difficult for me at times to find relaxation at home during my precious rest days.

On those days, our living room fills with sights and sounds of recreational activities. After all, my younger brother and sister, as well as my mom and dad, also consider weekends as the best days of the week. Not that I do not want to be around them or for them to be around me. It is just that there are times when I want to spend some hours simply listening to music while reading an ebook, or while poring over fashion magazines.

The Need to Have a Special Space

There are rest days when I missed doing just that, as our living room blares with the sounds of a terse video game, combined with sudden and loud interjections coming from my brother: “dang,” “argh,” “hah,” and other words you would rather not read or hear. The bedroom is one that I share with a younger sister, where the experience is pretty much the same, except that more idle conversations take place.

In one of those days, I came up with a bright idea of making a spot in the house as my special territory. I asked my mom if I could use the space under the staircase as my “music nook”. Well, at first she thought I only meant staying in that corner when listening to my media player. It later dawned on her that I intended to move out some decors and vases, replace the shoe cabinet with a desk, as well as add some hanging shelves and hooks on the wall.

How It Feels to Have a Special Nook

My music nook of course extended a little more than the space below the staircase; spanning as far as the area covered by the not-so-small, but-not-so-big rectangular rug I borrowed from my mom. As an additional treat, I bought myself a bean bag chair. I made sure the cool comfy chair used the type of bean bag filler that will allow me to lounge restfully in it for one or two hours.

One of the niceties of having a music nook is that of having quality time for relaxation. Staying in that nook made listening to music and reading e-books more enjoyable than ever. The most number of hours I spend in it is two; but sometimes it extends whenever I doze off, curled up in my bean chair.

The nook has given me a mindset that if I stayed in it for at least two hours during weekends, i have stored enough stamina for the hectic days ahead.

