Venturing into new things unprepared and assuming stuff to pass without you doing anything is going to result in intense frustration.
The beginning of any journey can be exciting yet nerve-wracking as well and it’s no new with any kind of music. But don’t let emotion divert your focus from the difficulties that you’ll have to experience.
When you are only a beginner, I personally think that you should have the right thinking and some actual steps to work on so that is the goal of this article.
1. Do not think that the musician and the marketer is one
If you really desire for your music to be famous, then there are two views that work well with each other, the music and the lemiapps advertising or promotion.
The artist attempts to concentrate on the art, performing, completing and then repeating the process again. However, if this sequence keeps happening, who is responsible for the marketing?
2. Concentrate on attention first then follow it by sales
If you are alone in the journey, you can freely give gold to anyone as no one will actually take it. Why do you need to sell it in the first place? No one knows you exist, like who cares? You first have to be able to get in front of an audience to gain exposure and make them love your art. After that, you can then sell your work to them or something.
3. Most of the time, nothing will work on the first time
Trust the process. This is true, particularly on you music ventures. If you notice some of the advice in this blog or other blogs and you try them for a white and they are not effective to you, don’t get bitter and stop, just see it as a learning curve.
4. Don’t always depend on platforms, particularly when you are a beginner.
Social media platforms with billions of users can boost your exposure. However, most of the users, most of the time, they are not always going to give you enough exposure that you need. They opt to favor already authorized users and show them rather than newer users.