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How does in-car music affect my driving style? – Snail House Music

How does in-car music affect my driving style?


Listen to your favorite music while driving or just turn on the radio many people put themselves in a better mood and drive more relaxed with music. Is that generally the case? Or are there styles of music that you shouldn`t listen to while driving?

We listen to music on our smartphones or in the car twice as often as at home. Schlager, pop, rock, jazz, or classic can definitely have a positive effect on the mood of the driver, explains the testing organization Dekra, with reference to international studies.

But isn’t music distracted by what’s happening on the road and endangering road safety? “It depends entirely on the emotional connection between your current mood and the music you are listening to.”


Criteria for critical impact

Criteria for critical impact are, among other things, the rhythm, volume, and tempo of the music. “For example, hard rock increases psychological stress, which is reflected in the reduction in heart rate variability,” says psychologists. As the organism adapts to a tense situation, the heartbeat becomes calmer. This is a biological indicator of the stress processes taking place in the body. This allows you to “measure” that music can use mental resources that are not useful for your driving task and can adversely affect lane changes, overtaking operations, or priorities.

Anyone who listens to their favorite music in a car and reacts emotionally to it can endanger road safety. So by visiting gotu, you can access care services like car recovery “Music makes you feel as good as low alcohol and drug consumption, but at the same time reduces your integrity while driving,” Wagner warns.



Also, when listening to your favorite music, wandering around while listening to “Goose Bumps Music” and thinking about the emotional experiences associated with each song will increase the level of distraction. “As a result, attentional resources are tightly bound and the mental performance available for road traffic driving tasks is low,” explains the expert.

So his tip: your favorite CD can get rid of mood and aggression. But only in connection with the exercise of stopping thinking, “I forbid you to keep thinking about this annoyance by imagining a pause sign that you consciously put before negative thoughts.” Get out, “think”, take a breath, walk around a bit, organize your thoughts, put in your favorite CD, and drive, “says a Dekra expert.
