Can music boost sales in the store?

Background music has been shown to increase sales in businesses. It is important that this is selected carefully and that it is not set too loud. Music that is too loud in the store is more annoying and unpleasant for customers. On the other hand, check this medium blog if you want to buy gifts for boys.

Music in the store – which music is suitable for it?

Hardly any business today can do without promotional music. The reason for this is very simple: Most people simply feel uncomfortable in total silence. If your customers do not feel comfortable in your business, they buy less or not at all. The ideal retail background music can therefore encourage the desire to shop.

Various target groups

Your clientele consists primarily of young customers

Make sure that current charts quietly encourage them to resonate. Songs from the early youth of your customer base also lead to real enthusiasm when shopping. The corresponding musical background ensures that your customers can immediately imagine how chic the item of their choice can look later in the disco. Tip: If you only greet young customers, the music can be turned up a bit.

Your clientele consists primarily of young and older customers

Make sure that not only charts but also a few hits from the 70s and 80s are played out of your speakers, which are ideally integrated into your shop equipment. Don’t turn the music up too loud. Your customers should still be able to have a good conversation.

Your clientele consists primarily of older customers

Provide music from the early youth of your clientele or rely on calm, relaxing music that invites them to linger. Older people are often very critical of too much vocals and bass.

Select music in the store based on your products/store furnishings

Different styles of music create different feelings. For example, if you sell expensive wines, precious oils or high-quality fashion for the elderly, classical music a la Mozart ensures that your goods appear even more valuable.

In an organic shop, natural tones such as the chirping of birds or soft relaxation music ensure that your customers feel harmonious. Sports shops can fall back on fast rhythms that get your customers on their toes.
